Best Ultrasound Reporting Software

Recent Imorgon research shows that ultrasound reporting software must perform several functions well to improve Radiology Reporting efficiency [Deep dive into improved productivity with worksheets]. These functions include:

  • Consistently accepting measurement data from modalities.
  • Providing easy-to-complete ultrasound worksheets for recording sonographer findings.
  • Merging measurement data and Findings into the Radiology reporting package.

While additional components exist, these three are necessary to capture the efficiency opportunities.

Case study of an imaging center implementation Imorgon


The first step in improving reporting efficiency is electronically transferring modality data into the reporting package to avoid dictating or re-entering values. DICOM SR (structured reporting) is a file created by the modality for exchanging measurement data. Though similar in name, it differs from a Radiology structured report. So yes, DICOM structured-reporting data transfers into a Radiology structured report.

An additional software application converts DICOM SR files and ‘merges’ them into the Radiologist’s reporting template. If everything goes perfectly, the Radiologist will never need to dictate measurements again. Unfortunately, data transfer with many solutions does not work perfectly.

The most common problem is formatting – vendor’s systems come across in different units (cm vs. mm), precision (x.xx vs. x.x), and labeling. Fortunately, all data transfer applications handle different units, precisions, and labeling. However, there are other more subtle issues. For example, an ultrasound manufacturer allows measuring a bile duct through either the abdominal 2D measurement package or the abdominal Doppler measurement package. This manufacturer would then record the bile duct measurement in a different section of the DICOM SR – as though it was a different measurement! Imorgon Report Accelerator handles all DICOM SR peculiarities from vendors, ensuring complete measurement transfer every time.

Imorgon supports any modality that creates structured data formats, such as CSV and XML files. Our professional services work with you to ensure a complete and flawless implementation. Flawless measurement transfer is considered an absolute minimum for Reporting Software.


Imorgon’s customizable electronic worksheets and templates eliminate the need for handwritten notes and worksheets.

Worksheets also serve as a checklist and training tool for newer employees, travelers, or off-hour employees, ensuring the completeness of exams.

Imorgon ultrasound worksheets improve report speed and quality by directly transferring findings into the radiologist’s structured report and minimizing time-consuming and error-prone dictation.

Imorgon Ultrasound Worksheet in action

This illustration below shows both measurement and qualitative data transferred into a Powerscribe Report. A recent Imorgon study found the importance of transferring quantitative and qualitative information, as half of the information in a Radiologist’s Finds are from each [Deep dive into the 50% of fields].

Imorgon Ultrasound Reporting Software transferring data to Radiology Reporting Software

This article [Deep Dive into Ultrasound Worksheets] is a detailed discussion of customizable electronic ultrasound worksheets is in this article.


Although considered optional, Sonographer QC workstations allow for quick ‘fixing’ of studies without the tedious and time-consuming need to file a support ticket with IT. The QC workstation enables many departments to quickly:

  • Correct patient and study information
  • Correct mislabeled images
  • Make measurements
  • Delete images
  • Split or merge studies


In conclusion, enterprise ultrasound reporting software with essential components such as reliable DICOM SR and ultrasound report worksheets, and the automatic transfer of both into Radiology reporting software, along with optional features such as a Sonographer QC workstation, significantly improves Radiology reporting efficiency and reduces sonographer effort.

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