Reporting Software & Ultrasound Reading Tools

Imorgon provides reporting software and ultrasound reading software to increase the productivity and quality of your radiology reports significantly. You will complete reports in less time.

The information presented is from an ultrasound framework but applies to other exam types, such as DXA, CT for Coronary Calcium scoring, and many others.

Quick Overview of Imorgon’s Value Proposition in Reporting Software

Motivation – Why Dedicated Ultrasound Reporting Software

The demand for diagnostic imaging exams is increasing at a 5% annual rate [MarketsandMarkets], but the number of radiologists and technologists has not kept pace. Compounding the problem is the regular decrease in reimbursement, with another 3% in 2024 [AuntMinnie].

The obvious impact is longer hours, increased stress, and burnout. Some studies highlighting the impact on patient care:

  • Analysis of non-clinical errors made by voice recognition software shows 4.23% of studies having ‘significant’ or ‘very-significant’ errors. This translates to over 500 studies for every 5 ultrasound systems in a department.1 [Link]
  • Diagnostic errors can impact up to 5% of reports and contribute to 10% of deaths.2 [Link]
  • 40% of referrers complain that diagnostic reports are confusing and do not address their clinical questions.3 [Link]

Imorgon believes that automation enables the Radiologist to concentrate on answering the clinical question rather than grinding the mechanics of completing a report.

Ultrasound Structured Reporting Software and DICOM SR

Increasing structured data through DICOM SR and Worksheets are two ways to improve the productivity and quality of your reports.


First is transferring measurements taken by sonographers or technologists and automatically inserting or ‘merging’ them into your Radiology reporting software, such as Nuance Powerscribe. The ability to automatically transfer measurements has existed for nearly a decade. The software ensures measurement consistency in units (mm vs. cm), digits of precision (x.xx vs. x.x), and even max/min/average values.

A key differentiator is Imorgon’s guarantee of transferring all measurements due to a smart engine that improves the parsing of the DICOM SR data structure.

Quantifying time reduction is difficult due to interruptions in radiologists’ workflow. However, most Radiologists agree that ultrasound data transfer saves one minute per exam. Dr Steve Horii performed an analysis and found an impressive 40% reduction in measurement-intensive exams [SIIM Presentation].

Ultrasound Worksheets

Most Radiology departments are still reading ultrasound worksheets from PACS or cryptic notes. Even if measurement data is transferred, 50% of the fields in a report still need to be populated [Imorgon Research]

Imorgon ultrasound reporting system includes text generation, automatic prefetch of prior reports and measurements, and integrated clinical decision-support systems. These features’ importance for achieving productivity and quality benefits is discussed in detail [Ultrasound Reporting Software: 3 things to make your Life Better].

Web forms are intuitive reporting technology that serves as checklists and training tools. They improve daily operations by guaranteeing a comprehensive study and complete ultrasound documentation regardless of staff experience or the use of travelers. The sonographer can provide detailed documentation with fewer clicks than what they do today.

When implemented, the radiologist pulls up a draft report ready for review. Imorgon’s Report Accelerator uniquely provides a simple reporting solution for measurement transfer AND customized web-based ultrasound reporting templates.

Ultrasound Reading and PACS

Muli-modality viewing stations continue to provide an inflexible and suboptimal ultrasound review experience. Imorgon View is a dedicated ultrasound imaging software that displays ultrasound images and clips in acquisition order, with clips automatically playing. Many physicians discuss capturing and reading clips to convey ultrasound information accurately [Dr. Roy Filly Dr. Ann Podrasky]. Imorgon continues to innovate with a new release that provides hanging protocols to filter and review exams by protocol step. Lastly, for those who teach ultrasound, Imorgon has unparalleled teaching files that enable saving, anonymizing, and exporting unique studies.

Of course, Imorgon seamlessly integrates with your existing PACS workstations, including automatically launching Imorgon upon selecting an ultrasound exam from a worklist.

Sonographer QC Workstation

Large ultrasound departments need the ability to quickly ‘fix’ studies with fewer steps and time than IT support tickets. Sonographers love the Sonographer QC Workstation, which enables them to correct exam details such as patient and study information, split or merge studies, delete images, add or edit annotations, or make measurements. A QC workstation is key to efficient workflow in a large department.

Streamlined Ultrasound Reporting Automation Software

Imorgon offers the most robust functionality, customized to your unique needs, with 24×7 reliable support. Imorgon is likely the highest ROI software investment you can make this year.

I know we can improve the prouctivity and quality of your reports at your institution. I will guarentee success.

Andy Milkowski

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

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  1. Motyer RE, Liddy S, Torreggiani WC, Buckley O. Frequency and analysis of non-clinical errors made in radiology reports using the National Integrated Medical Imaging System voice recognition dictation software. Irish Journal of Medical Science. 2016.  doi: 10.1007/s11845-016-1507-6. ↩︎
  2. Balogh EP, Miller BT, Ball JR, editors. Board on Health Care Services, Institute of Medicine. Improving diagnosis in healthcare.  Washington, DC: The National Academy of Sciences, The National Academies Press, 2015. ↩︎
  3. Clinger NJ, Hunter TB, Hillman BJ. Radiology reporting: Attitudes of referring physicians. Radiology. 1988;169:825–826. ↩︎